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ECC Church in the park June 2018 030
ECC Church in the park June 2018 012
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Welcome to Elmvale Community Church.  We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ committed to Loving God and Loving Others.  We follow in the Way of Jesus and dedicate ourselves to:  Being with Jesus.  Becoming like Jesus.  Doing what Jesus did.

  • We are finding wholeness in sharing community with neighbours marked by generosity and self-sacrifice.
  • We are finding freedom submitting our lives to the leading of the Spirit to do bold and audacious things for God.
  • We are finding peace in doing the right things, not the popular things.
  • We are finding significance and joy in living love and restoring people, marriages, families, our community, and the world around us back to God.

Checkout our latest teaching below:

Commas Save Lives

February 9, 2025
For the Early Church, the comma between the birth and death of Jesus in the Apostle’s Creed wasn’t an oversight - it was assumed that the Church was laid on the foundation of the life and teaching of Jesus. However, that same assumption can't be made over the past 2000 years of church history. The church has, at many times, abandoned the simple teaching and ethics of Jesus and has exchanged it for theological or philosophical truth about Jesus. For us it is wise to focus on the comma and repeatedly return to the life and teaching of Jesus to keep us centred on what matters.

Two People, One Truth

February 2, 2025
"There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan." - C.S. Lewis