The first day of the trip is always weird at the start. The flight down was B-E-A-Utiful weather and it was funny to see Faith on an plane for the first time. Some of us were in disbelief that we were going to the Dominican even as we were about to take off on the plane. The plane ride didn’t feel too long as I played some card games with Adam and Peter as well as watched the original Ghostbusters. Everyone had their own doing that they were doing on the plane to pass time like listening to music, or sleeping. When we arrived at the airport in Dominican we could smell the difference as soon as we walked out of the plane. We could see how different it was from our home in Canada. There were houses that looked like they were about to fall apart, there were motorcyclists that were weaving through traffic and the people were very kind to us. 

Personally, my experience has been very good so far aside from not being able to speak the language enough to talk to them. I feel like this trip will bring out the best in all of us. We will all be pushed to our limits both physically and mentally. I think I need that personally to grow in my character with God, the way I treat others and my outlook on how we live in our 1st world country. Knowing that we are blessed to have clean drinking water and that is a privilege to have in our world.

I’ve been here for a day and I already feel like I want to be part of something bigger here. Overall, my experience so far has been really great and I already would want to do this again. 



(Erin here… we are having troubles inserting pictures into the blog… but it is too late and we are too tired to figure that out tonight. Tomorrow we will hope to have pictures – sorry!)