Date: March 13, 2022 ()

Bible Text: John 14:16-18, John 14:25-27, John 15:1-8 | , ,


A few weeks ago, we began a series intended to get us unstuck spiritually and get us moving once again in the rhythms of discipleship, apprenticing under Jesus in His Way.

Followers or disciples of Jesus orient their lives around 3 main goals: BE WITH JESUS. BECOME LIKE JESUS. DO WHAT JESUS DID.

This Sunday we look at the first goal: BE WITH JESUS. But how do you practically "be with Jesus" in 2022 with the distractions, busyness, and craziness of the world that we live in?

Richard Rohr says that we don't have a "presence problem" we have an "awareness problem." “We do not need to “attain the presence of God.” We're already totally in the presence of God. What's missing is our awareness.”

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