Followers of Jesus are aiming to cultivate the character of Jesus within them.  One specific character quality that we are trying to emulate and form in us is Jesus' compassion.…

The Posture of Peace

March 19, 2023
How do you approach life? Do you approach it as one who advocates for themselves?  Or do you approach it as a son or daughter of God? This Sunday John…
This morning we are going to be looking at ANOTHER interaction between Jesus and the religious leaders in Mark 12. In this story, a group ideologically opposed people are sent…

Mind the Gap

February 26, 2023
Why do some people abuse their position, power, or influence and use it to exploit others? We read about it all of the time, politicians, police officers, teachers, pastors and…
This Sunday, ECC welcomes Jenn Mikelait, coordinator for Project Serve, a ministry in the Greater Toronto Area that helps educate Christian young people about issues of poverty and injustice while…
This Sunday John challenged us to take a close look at our faith and determine whether it is a real faith-based relationship with Jesus, or if it functions more as…
Everybody wants to be a king and nobody wants to be a servant. But, as followers of Jesus, we are called to a different way of life. Servants are skilled.…
Jesus seemed to rub religious people the wrong way.  During His short ministry career He ended up offending Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots.  Jesus didn't fit into their religious boxes…
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