Date: October 4, 2020

Bible Text: Isaiah 43:16-19 |


Sometimes, unless we get challenged to do otherwise, we get stuck in understandings of God and faith that can be stale or incomplete.  We camp out in who we believed God to be earlier on in our faith.

As humans, we have a really hard time coping with change.  We like things to be predictable, to be tidy, to be able to fit our expectations for something in a box so it’s easy to control.

There’s a passage that illustrates this our human limitations found in Job 33:14, “For God does speak--now one way, now another-- though no one perceives it.

  • We get stuck expecting God to always only work/speak one way.
  • We put Him in His tidy box so that we can know what to expect of Him.
  • But God hates boxes. He hates limitations.  He likes to blow them away.

Our relationship with Jesus is designed to GROW and CHANGE and UNFOLD as He reveals Himself to us.

Instead of approaching Jesus as something rigid and controllable (and predictable), we need to approach Him relationally. Relationships change and unfold.

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