Date: July 18, 2021 ()

Bible Text: Luke 5:27-32 |


The Pharisees and religious leaders had been building fences around their in-group for centuries.  They believed that God had a very narrow criteria for those He considered to be “His covenant people.”

Their in-group excluded anyone who differed from them around purity laws, race and culture, and around traditions and practices.  Their circle for friendship, business, and family only extended to their in-group.

For the disciples, the idea of what it meant to be a follower of Jesus was changing; the door was swinging wide open in order to accept someone who was considered to be the worst of the worst.

For the existing disciples, the calling of Levi could have cheapened the honour that they felt in being called to follow Jesus:

  • When you are part of an “in-group” there is a pride & exclusivity to it.
  • When the “in-group” accepts a reject, the in-group doesn’t feel special.

Jesus wasn’t interested in "converting" Levi, He trusted that Levi would embrace His way along the long road of relationship and belonging.

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