Date: November 14, 2021 ()

Bible Text: Romans 16:1-17 |


Our One Another for today is  "Greet One Another."  

We could misinterpret this command by thinking it’s all about just saying hello, shaking someone’s hand or hugging them.  Greeting someone isn’t just about being nice or friendly or even welcoming.

The Biblical concept of greeting involves radical belonging.  It calls us to look beyond externals and to minimize our emphasis on the familiar or on sameness.  It means that we need to develop the skills to embrace and incorporate diverse newcomers into a place of belonging. 

But this doesn’t mean that they need to become like us… Embrace TRUE diversity.

The word “greet” in Greek is as-paz-o-mai and it means to “draw to one’s self” to “embrace” to “receive joyfully, welcome.

When I read the definition of this word I think of an environment where people are able to be themselves.  Where judgement is absent.  Where people aren’t vying for prominence and position by trying to be better than others.  Think of being with your family or closest friends.  Fully known and yet fully loved.  Walls are down.  This is who I am...

When the church is commanded to “greet one another” it is a command to create an environment of closeness:

  • It takes great openness and humility to accept and love others as they are.
  • It also takes great openness and humility to accept this love from others.

This sort of environment challenges how I approach people:  Am I warm, open and welcoming?  Am I guarded and cold?  Am I genuinely interested in someone else or do I simply want them to know something about the kind of person that I am?  Am I willing to fully embrace people who are drastically different than myself?

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