Date: September 17, 2023 ()

Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 |


“Following Jesus produces a counter-cultural way of life that responds to hostility with love and generosity and is motivated by hope in the coming Kingdom of Jesus.”

This Sunday is our second in our series in 1 Thessalonians entitled, "Opportunity & Opposition."

The Thessalonians were a closely knit bunch.  They had determined to believe and to push through persecution and imitate their leaders and, ultimately, Jesus.  They gave up their own identity and desires and offered themselves to Jesus… As a result, their impact was HUGE!

Jesus Invites You:

  1. To be “knit-together” with Him, giving you GRACE & PEACE.
  2. To be “knit-together” into His Church, being KNOWN & LOVED.
  3. To join in His Mission of FAITHFUL WORK & LOVING DEEDS.
  4. To experience the COMING HOPE of JESUS & HIS KINGDOM.

It’s a matter of surrender.  Submit yourself to be woven into the fabric of His Kingdom here and His Kingdom coming.

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