Date: September 6, 2020

Bible Text: Romans 12:3-18 | ,


This week we’ll be looking at a woman named Corrie ten Boom a Dutch watchmaker whose sacrificial way of living ended up saving the lives of 800 Jews during the German occupation of Holland.

We’ve entitled this message, “Do What Is Right, Not What Is Easy.”  This is a quote that was adapted from a speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.

It seems to me that the ten Boom family was the type of family that did what was right and not what was easy from the get go.

They didn’t simply spring into action after the need that arose from the Nazi occupation, they were doing difficult, unpopular things long before then:

  • Corrie and Betsy tutored the mentally handicapped.
  • They invested time in mentoring and discipling young people.
  • Their home was a place where those needing shelter could take refuge.
  • They provided food to the hungry, money to the poor.
  • Their life was ministry always looking for a place to serve.

When the German occupation took place and the Jewish people in their community were being arrested by the Gestapo, they did what was right because their course in doing right was already established.  I don’t think it took them a lot of convincing

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