Date: December 27, 2020

Bible Text: Mark 1:1-8, John 11:1-37 | ,


If we get so wrapped up expecting God to only operate within the confines of what we’re familiar and comfortable with, we will miss out on what He has for us right here in the middle of a mess.

The religious people at the time of Jesus’ coming were faithfully going through the motions at the temple.  When John shows up, he doesn’t look like anything they’ve ever seen God do before – and that is where God is at work – not where they expected.

They not only miss it, but they’re offended by it, because it’s different.

In many ways COVID-19 may be our John the Baptist.

  • We can’t become complacent and expect that things will return to normal.
  • God is at work in the world increasing hunger for the REAL Jesus.
  • We need to abandon the false Christs.
  • We need to embrace the radical Biblical Jesus.
  • We need to recapture the light that we’ve lost and love like Jesus did.

It’s not business as usual, God is ushering in a new time and is doing a new thing, and we need to learn to embrace it.

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