Date: August 14, 2022 ()

Bible Text: Luke 5:1-10 |


Life isn't easy (or simple). It seems as though everything worthwhile that we set out to do ends up being fraught with set backs, false starts, and frustration. Oftentimes, we will create an expectation in our minds of how something is going to go, or turn out, only to be met with disappointment when it isn't as easy (or as perfect) as we imagined.

Even our spiritual lives often look this way. We think that following Jesus will be simple. Doesn't He promise an easy yoke? We also think following Jesus will fix us, that He will solve all of our problems and we find ourselves disappointed when He doesn't...

This Sunday we take a look at another "Fish Story" involving the disciple known as Simon Peter and how his path to following Jesus didn't follow a smooth trajectory at all. Peter's story encourages us because, in many ways, he is the archetype for many of our lives.

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