Date: November 7, 2021 ()

Bible Text: Ephesians 4:2-4, Colossians 3:12-14 |


We all know people who are a little different and perhaps even a little bit difficult to get along with.  These are the folks who simply grate on our nerves.

We call these sorts of people EGR:  Extra Grace Required.

  • Maybe they’re a double-dipper…
  • Maybe they always interrupt you when you’re speaking.
  • Maybe they constantly need to one-up the story that you’re telling.
  • Maybe they have nothing positive to say but love complaining.

The list goes on and on. Extra Grace Required people are everywhere.  There is an endless supply of them.  Extra Grace Required people try our patience and when we’ve learned to deal with one, we find ourselves face to face with the next one…

But here’s the bizarre thing:  You are an EGR person.  So am I.

  • We all require extra grace from somebody.
  • The way you live seems totally normal to you.
  • We can’t imagine that anyone would ever get frustrated with us.
  • But you are someone’s irritant, their patience tester, their EGR person.

The person who thinks he is perfect is especially annoying to those of us who are…

This Sunday we are studying the "One Another" named "Bear with one another" or "make allowances for one another's faults."

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