Date: January 8, 2023 ()

Bible Text: 1 John 3:16-18, 1 Peter 2:11-12, John 15:18-19 |

We all have an innate desire to fit in, but fitting in sometimes carries with it compromise. We shape shift and play a character that doesn't represent our truest selves. Sometimes our true character and values are hidden in an attempt to conform to what we perceive to be the desires of the crowd.

This Sunday, we will be discussing how Jesus' rejection actually gave Him a greater ability to love the outcast and stand against religious and political corruption. Jesus had no desire for approval, no desire to fit into worldly systems, and this objectivity enabled Him to confidently be who He was meant to be in His mission to build the Kingdom.

We are all misfits. We are all 100% unique. Created by God to be who we are and not someone else. Why would we try to compromise His perfect design? It's our prayer that you would embrace your uniqueness and confidently walk out who you were created to be without seeking the approval of others!

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