Date: March 14, 2021 ()

Bible Text: Luke 10:1-9 | , ,


In our text today, we see Jesus’ strategy to continue to expand God’s Kingdom by involving others in doing the things He normally does:

  • He’s doing this because His time on earth is coming to a close.
  • He wants His disciples to experience the pleasure of doing Kingdom work.

The Kingdom of God is the Good News that Jesus rules over everything, everywhere:

  • Under His reign, broken things are made new again.
  • Everything that was broken by sin is being restored by Him.

Christians are those who welcome the rule and reign of Jesus over our lives and live in submission to His way.  We welcome His reign because:

  • He promises to make us new/right – give us life to the full in this world.
  • He will ultimately rule and reign unopposed by evil for all eternity.

We have been invited by Jesus to expand His Kingdom on earth by:

  • Inviting the world to experience the blessings of Jesus in their lives.
  • Ministering His redemption to the world.

Simply put:  Jesus wants to make us new and He wants our help in inviting others to be made new.

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