Date: June 19, 2022 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 14:25-26 |


We hear it all of the time: Family is Everything.

Many of us believe the sentiment, centring our lives around family functions, kids activities, and spending copious time with our earthly families. Family is most definitely a priority for many people in our day and age. But is FAMILY really EVERYTHING? There is nothing of value outside of FAMILY?

What about those who are orphaned or widowed or estranged from their families? What about those who come from dysfunctional, broken, abusive families? Have they lost out on EVERYTHING of importance? What does Jesus have to say about this? How did He model His priorities around FAMILY?

This Sunday we will be diving into "BECOME LIKE JESUS" and looking at priorities around God, Family, and God's Family.

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