Date: January 10, 2021

Bible Text: Luke 6:12-16, Mark 3:13-19, Matthew 10:1-5 | ,


As humans, we have the tendency to draw lines around different areas of our lives to determine who is part of our “camp” and who isn’t.

Those who are within our “camp” are safe, comfortable, part of our community and our safe space.  Those outside of our “camps” are sometimes threatening to us.  They are mysterious, unpredictable, different, other…  We "socially distance" ourselves from the “other”.

The questions we want to ask are:

  • Is our tendency to withdraw into camps of “us” and “them” healthy for us?
  • How did Jesus define the boundaries of His camp?
  • Were the boundaries of His camp “fixed” did they become smaller? Larger?

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