Date: January 31, 2021 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 13:31-33 | ,


There’s a disorder called “brumotactillophobia” which is a mild form of OCD that keeps people from letting their food touch.  This disorder allows people to exert control over how they eat their food – for some it’s a taste thing, for some it’s a texture thing, for some it’s a visual thing.

While some of us may battle this disorder, many of us battle the daily grind of trying to maintain and balance different aspects of our lives.  We do this by segmenting our lives into different areas:

  • Work lives - we focus on our career and job and passions.
  • Family lives - we nurture our relationship with our spouse, kids.
  • Personal lives - we nuture our identity through hobbies/interests.
  • Social lives - we interact with friends, neighbours, belonging.
  • Spiritual lives - we nurture our relationship with God.

With COVID and the lockdown, some of these areas have started to intermingle.  We don’t have multiple places where we can be anymore, so work and family life have blended together.  Our social lives have moved online, as has the practice of our spiritual lives.  All of life has been touching, mixing, spilling over boundaries and it has been challenging!

We are going to be looking at a couple of parables of Jesus that reveal our tendency to keep the practice of our faith segmented from other areas of our lives.

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