Date: October 23, 2022 ()

Bible Text: Luke 7:33-35, Luke 10:1-8, Matthew 25:34-36, Hebrews 13:1-3 |


Jesus' strategy for reaching the world with the Good News wasn't very efficient.


Jesus spent His time eating and drinking with people, often in small groups. He shied away from the crowds. Most of the transformation that occurred for those who became His followers happened in private. Around tables. Where true authenticity and relationship is fostered. Not very efficient. No big stage. No flashy programs...

The history of the church is around the table. For hundreds of years, this is where the people of Jesus met. The Gospel spread from one table to the next. From one home to another.

This Sunday we will be looking at Jesus' context and strategy in "proclaiming Good News" and "alleviating human suffering". Maybe we would do well at imitating Him?

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