Date: November 21, 2021 ()

Bible Text: James 3:13-18 |


This Sunday we’re going to be looking at the NEGATIVE one another commands of the New Testament.  The commands that say, “Don’t do this to One Another…”

It’s always helpful for me to not only have positive commands but also negative commands.  Do this, do this, do this, don’t do this…

  • The positive commands show us the way forward.
  • The negative commands warn us of the pitfalls along the way.

The negative ONE ANOTHERS are meant to caution us away from attitudes and actions that will keep us from our goal of LOVING OTHERS as Jesus has loved us.

Think of the positive “one anothers” as plants that you want to cultivate in your garden.  These are attributes and habits that you are wanting to take root in your life for the benefit of others and the Kingdom…

The negative “one anothers” are more like weeds.  No one planted them in the garden intentionally, they seem to grow wild, and they don’t seem to take any considerable care to cultivate.  When we let them grow, however, they tend to threaten the well-being of the plants that you are intending to grow.

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