Date: September 18, 2022 ()

Bible Text: Mark 1:14-15, Luke 4:16-21, Mark 1:29-34 |


When I was a teenager, What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) bracelets were all the rage.

They were a symbol of one's adolescent piety. Ironically, wearing a WWJD bracelet meant more about what you WOULDN'T do as a Christian than what you would actually do.

Thinking about 'What Would Jesus Do' should make us ask the bigger questions, "What DID Jesus Do?"

This Sunday we turn the page on our "Walking in the Way" series. Followers of Jesus don't just believe in some things, they spend time WITH JESUS, they BECOME LIKE JESUS, and they DO WHAT JESUS DID.

We will be looking at the third of these tenets over the next several weeks!

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