Date: March 8, 2020

Bible Text: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 2:13-17 |


Alan Hirsch in the book, “Untamed” writes, “You simply cannot be a disciple of Jesus without being a missionary – a sent one.  For way too long discipleship has been limited to issues relating to our personal morality and worked out in the context of the four walls of the church with its privatized religion.  In doing this, we have severely neglected our biblical mandate to GO and “make disciples.”  We have narrowed the gospel message to just being about us… To strive for holiness and maturity in our own personal lives is extremely important, but it is only half the picture; the other half is our God-given responsibility to the world around us.  The fact is that you can’t be a disciple of Jesus without being a missionary: no mission, no discipleship.  It’s as simple as that.

What really stands out about Jesus was how His life was marked by mission and movement:

  • Jesus knew that He brought Good News with Him wherever He went.
  • He spoke Good News but He also lived Good News.
  • He was a positive presence for good wherever He was.
  • People were positively affected by Jesus’ presence around them.

Jesus had the keen ability to bring a tangible expression of hope, joy and love to every circumstance that He found Himself in.  I believe that Jesus was able to do this because He was constantly aware that He had been sent to preach Good News and to be Good News.

We have been given the same mission:  When we’re interacting with others, our words and actions should drip with hope, joy and love because that’s how Jesus talked and acted.

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