Finding Joy in Generosity
Date: December 10, 2023 (In-Person Simulcast)
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 | Stephen Weenink
Series: Advent Conspiracy
Ruined Nature Now Restore
Date: December 20, 2020
Bible Text: John 1:1-5, Hebrews 1:1-3, Philippians 2:5-8 | Stephen Weenink
Series: Advent Conspiracy
It’s our joy as Christians to continue the redemptive workDissatisfaction Guaranteed
Date: December 6, 2020
Bible Text: Luke 1:46-56 | John Cook, Stephen Weenink
Series: Advent Conspiracy
Christmas has become less about the worship of and anticipationWho is at Risk? How Can We Help? Who Should We Send?
Date: November 22, 2020
Bible Text: Acts 11:25-30 | AJ Martin
Series: Advent Conspiracy
This Sunday we had AJ Martin with us from CompassionJesus Is Generous
Date: October 11, 2020
Bible Text: John 2:1-11 | Stephen Weenink
Series: Jesus Is ___________.
John Eldridge, in his book “Beautiful Outlaw” says, “An artist